Wednesday 27 November 2019

Scratch coding

We have been learning to code scratch games to show an algorithm.
Our algorithm shows how to run our student-led conferences.
It was easy to say all the words correctly.
It was hard to talk when next door were yelling.
Next time I go to a more quiet place.

Monday 18 November 2019

Country Uniform

My class and I have been learning to use poly line.

I found it easy to find images to copy.
I found it difficult to trace the uniform out.
I enjoyed trying different colours on the uniform.

Should we have a healthy diet

Should we have a healthy diet ?
In my opinion, I agree that you should have a healthy diet because…
Firstly eating junk food and fast food is not good because it has calories and calories is a measure of an energy expenditure and also stored energy. Also it has a lot of sugar and fat. Therefore it is really not good for you.
Secondly instead of eating junk  food you could eat a rainbow.  A rainbow is a different coloured healthy food which has a lot of vitamins such as vitamin A,B,C and a lot more vitamins. Vitamins and minerals are good for you because they are really healthy and help you have a balanced diet.
Thirdly you should eat super foods such as berries avocado and broccoli including a lot more. Also eating super food is really good for you because it has a lot of vitamins just like eating the rainbow.
Fourthly you should eat dairy products because they have calcium in them. This helps your bones and teeth and more but those are the basics because they make them healthier and stronger.
Also you should eat meat because it has a lot of iron and iron is full of protein. It helps your body get healthier too by getting oxygen and energy to your body. Iron is found in meat as you already know and leafy green vegetables and a lot more.
Sixthly  this paragraph is about vitamins. Vitamin A helps soft tissue which is also found in carrots, kumara, apricots and more. Vitamin B maintains brain function, memory, thinking and last one emotions.
 Finally this is about the immune system. The immune system is just like a shield that protects you from diabetes and illness.
And that is why I strongly believe that you should have a healthy diet.
By Grace

Junk food

I found it easy to research about all the Junk food.
I found it difficult to make some slides because people keeped deleting them.
I enjoyed co-operating with my group

Wednesday 23 October 2019

My favourite Media

This is my favourite media.
I enjoyed inserting the photos.
I learnt that there are a lot of different medias.
I found it a bit hard on doing the screen cast with all the yelling and wind.

Thursday 5 September 2019

My Pepeha Animation

This is my Pepeha animation.

I found it challenging on taking to my chrome book.

I learnt my Pepeha in the time limit.

I fund it easy to make the slides for my Pepeha.

Monday 2 September 2019

My animation

This is an animation on how the unicorn and I met.
I learnt that the tinier you move the characters the smother it is.
What  found challenging was opening the brain.
I enjoyed doing by myself and not having a lot of instructions and can do it yourself.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Tuesday 2 July 2019